The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Living to Love This Year

So if you live on planet Earth, you've probably noticed it's 2015 now. Which means I'll probably still be writing 2012 as the date.

Last year was amazing, long, also incredibly short, a bit awful at some points, and mostly not much different from other years. And that sort of bothers me.
I'm a live-in-the-moment kind of person. I love excitement and joy, and experiencing things that make me want to remember them forever. But how do you live in a moment if you don't let yourself appreciate moments, no matter how small? Well, you really can't. I can't.
I never think back on a week, or a month, or a year, and think Eh, it was good. No, I think in moments. I remember sleepovers and laughter and hot summer nights. I remember the things I enjoyed.

I actually wrote out a New Years Resolutions List this year. And thinking back over it, most of what I want to do this year is enjoy life more. Breath in cold air, enjoy little moments, watch the sunsets, and just love life. Because I've got to live through it, and I'm the one who gets to decide if it'll be miserable or enjoyable and lovely. And when I think about it like that, it's an easy choice.
But wanting to love life doesn't really work out for me, I've discovered. I have to decide love life. Remember to love it.
Wishing I would've taken in more, lived more, and loved more last year isn't going to do anything. But deciding to live life being more alive this year can do something.

This year, I resolve to find some of that, joy and love and more, in every day. Because there is so much to see in this world. So much to love and to wonder over and to enjoy. And what a waste it would be if we never took it in.
I resolve to live to love life this year. I don't want to just have my life, I want to live it. Because no matter how miserable, annoying, and awful this year can become, there will be beauty in every day, every person, and every moment. And I want to see it.

I challenge you, my wee amount of readers, to try and find even a little bit of beauty in each day. Because life is so very much more than we take time to notice.