The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Stop to Smell the Roses

I have days where I'm really, really happy. I mean, I'm usually a happy person, but today I just feel really happy. And that's nice. :D

I cleaned my half of the room I share with my sister. Mostly. It looks better. And I've moved a bookshelf into it with the help of my big brother, so now I just have to put the shelves on and add books. It'll be wonderful.

I got a Thor poster, and I really love it. Only, it doesn't have Loki on it. :P

I stayed up really late last night watching The Avengers with my one and only amazing brother, and I haven't seen it since it was in theaters so that was fun.
And totally unrelated to that, I now have more Loki feels. It totally doesn't have anything to do with watching that last night. Nope.

I have two white flowers that I've put in a jar, and then dyed the water blue. Now I get to watch as the flowers slowly turn blue, and it is so beautiful. Maybe I'll try for a picture when they're both finished.
And they both smell really pretty. :D Can things even smell pretty? Well apparently they can to me. XD

I've been climbing out of the window to watch the sunset the past few nights. We have this little corner part on our roof that is an amazing spot to sit on and watch the sky later in the day. And it's really comfy to bring a pillow and a blanket out there and cuddle up and just watch the sunset for a while, and then the stars.
I get front row seats. :D

And then, watching the sunet has been making me think: It's there every single day. Literally, and it is one of the most beautiful things I see all day. And I've only recently taken the time to watch it. And I find that kinda sad. I mean, God gave us a beautiful display that we can watch for free.

And seriously, the sunset is simply beautiful. I wonder why more people don't take the time to watch it. It doesn't take that long, and it gives me a happy feeling. It's really amazing, even on cloudy days.

So try to stop and smell the roses, or maybe sit on your roof and watch the sunset. ;) It's beautiful. It's like God's gift to us to end each day. Why not enjoy it?

Have a great rest of the day darlings. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hugs and Tea

So my mom and I went to pick up my brother today.  On the way there we sang really loudly with the radio. And I have a new favorite song. And then we yacked about stuff. My mom is the best.

Then we got my brother and I hugged him even though he didn't want me to right then because that is what little sisters do. Always.

He wanted to go to Chick-Fil-A but my mom decided to go to Olive Garden. It was great. I'm gonna go ahead and say I was hilarious.... And probably the most disruptive food eater they've ever had... Not on purpose, I promise. I just laugh a lot and come up with ingenious witty remarks. I can't help my amazingness. It comes naturally.

So anyway, I ate a lot of food. Food is good. Really good. And Olive Garden food is ever gooder than good. Ha, gooder is a word now because I typed it. Quick, someone put it in a dictionary.
It's not my fault their servings are so big. 

Then I got desert. IT WAS CHEESECAKE! Well, not actually, but it had some cheesecake in it, so I luffed it. And it had chocolate on it. 
And then I accidentally had two cups of raspberry tea and started on a third one... Don't look at me like that, it was good tea.
And now I'm terribly full but it was a good day.

And now excuse me as I mouth half the words to a song and pretend to know the rest. And use a spoon as my pretend microphone. Yes, I do that. Don't judge me.

Good day to you all minions.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chicken and Brothers

I think this is my most bizarre post title...

We had a nice lesson in class today, and then afterwards we went out to eat. It was great. I sat by my brother and ate chicken and I was really clumsy. I think I almost spilled my drink... Twice. Don't judge me.
I got a picture with my lil' sister, Adrienne.

:D She's the brunette. I'm not... Oh wait that's obvious never mind ignore me.

My brother is going up to my sister's college for some thing that he's old enough to do, and he's leaving me to fend for myself, for three days. I'll have no one to talk about my fandoms with. And people will not laugh at my awful puns.
When he gets ready to go to college for real I'm gonna have to tie him to a chair and put him in the basement.
... Oh wait, we don't have a basement....

Another one of our chickens died. It's a mystery. This calls for a detective.  *cough* Juuuust kidding. It was probably a raccoon or a skunk.

I watched Rise of the Guardians yesterday. Let me just say: I LOVED IT!
And I got The Odd Life of Timothy Green and watched a bit of it. That movie is amazing and incredible, and the soundtrack is one of my all time favorites.

I got some new boots that look like pirate boots.

Anywhooo, enjoy your day dahlings.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Of Socks and Death Frisbees

So I had my birthday! And I got to spend most of  the day with friends, even though I couldn't spend it with my family.
I did feel miserably sick most of the day, but it was still my birthday so that doesn't matter.

I got a mostly beautiful geeky stuff. My family knows me well.  And one of the many great things about having so many sibling is lots of gifts!
Squeeeee I LUFF all of my stuff. :D
One of my amazing sisters got me elf ears... Like, actual elf looking ears that you can put on and use and then take them off and use them again. I'm totally taking these to the Summer Workshop. And they look so real!
I also got a death frisbee. For those of you not in the Sherlock fandom that's a deerstalker hat. It's great. Ima bringing that to the Workshop too.
I got Shelock audio drama thingy CD's. I've already listened to some and they're great!
I got other geeky stuff to. And my cake was great. :D

I had to babysit my little siblings for two days while my mom was out of town with one of my little sisters. I actually survived. And my sister who was gone brought me back an adorable notebook.

Our outside cat, Edgar, ran away a few days ago. We didn't think we were gonna see him again because we live in the country and there are coyotes, but he came back. Unfortunately he's been quite beat up. All of his paws are infected and he had a fever and he's dehydrated. He's at the vet now. 

So besides having a cold it was a great week. And I got to skip co-op and didn't have to do a ton of homework.

Have the greatest of days darlings.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chocolate and Weirdness

I had a great day today, despite the fact my whole face aches because of getting my braces tightened. I went to one of our acquaintances 50th wedding anniversary, and it was lovely. And there were little cheese cake thingies and they were great. And I got chocolate at the end so it was marvelous. :D

And to make it better one of the bands in my braces snapped so I got to take them out for half the day and my mouth didn't feel like it had a bunch of pressure on it. And I'd conveniently forgotten to bring extra bands in case one snapped. Oops. Haha not really, I'm glad I forgot.

Then after it was over I got a picture with my brother, and I was being weird. I'm usually weird.
(I had a nice picture of me and my brother right here but apparently he doesn't want his picture on my blog. Huh, some people just can't take fame. XD)

I love me some chocolate. (Raaadomness)

It was a good day. And I sang songs from Frozen loudly in the car and tried to hit all the notes. Great fun... For me. I think I was annoying my siblings by the fifth song. XD

We didn't get anymore snow, but that's okay. It's been pretty cold.

I think I get to open my presents tomorrow because my sister and dad are leaving and I want them to be able to be there when I open the presents. MWAHAHAH A DAY EARLY!

I'm excited for church tomorrow. Just because. :D
And I have a newer friend who I discovered likes Sherlock. :D

Have  a good evening minions!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow and Rambling

There was actual real snow today. Like, snow flakes from the sky. That hasn't happened where I live since I was like ten.
So I put on my TARDIS hat and my really cool gloves and acted like a little kid outside for a bit. And then I had to do school.
Alas, now the snow is gone, but it's still really cold. Unfortunately it didn't even snow enough that I'm  able to see it on the ground, but it was still snow in Texas. That's good enough for me.

I stayed up late last night watching Brave. I've forgotten how much I love that movie, and the music in it. ashsxhkjs I want it all.

I had the brilliant idea late last night to have triplets as characters in a book, so then I tried to think of names I like for them... I don't even have any idea what book they'd be in, but I want triplets in my book. And I already like them. I think I'm gonna base them off of my lil' sister Reagan. If I do they'll be really wonderful, 'cus she's a little ball of energy.

I've spent most of today cuddled in my bed, which was great. I have a lot of books from the library, and I had ice cream. That is bliss. I wanna finish Ender's Game, and then read the Two Towers. My library didn't have The Fellowship of the Ring. <.<
I also got Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and I'm excited to read that.

My cat started to rip up my poster with Thranduil on it. Needless to say I freaked out and sent her out of my room. My poster is mostly saved.

My sister and I have permission to re-paint out room, because we've come to hate the colors we have. So we're both excited about that, but now we have to actually agree on a color. Oh joy.

And I still have to sweep the porch (we have a biiiig porch) and clean a bathroom, and then clean my older sister's bedroom because I slept in it and kinda made it very not clean while she was away at college. Eheheh I regret nothing.
But the porch and the bathroom are both chores that enable me to go to the Summer Workshop, so I ain't complaining.

Random Facts of the Day: I had cocoa and it was good and I also wanna see The Avengers again.
Oops, two facts.

Tata my minions. Keep... Being minions.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happiness and Hobbit Talk

Oh wow, I'm on a roll. Third post in three days. *celebrates with self*

So I stayed up past midnight because I had to catch up on a book I'm reading with my English/Writing class at our co-op, and it wasn't fun. And apparently I didn't even have to read that much of it. Argh. I over-achieved on accident.

I actually had a good day at co-op, even though yesterday was crazy stressful with all the stuff I had to catch up on. I wore my TARDIS hat all day, and I was very happy about that. I luff my TARDIS hat.
Then I had free time because I didn't have a class then, so I talked for a long time with one of my friends about The Hobbit and it was great fun... But apparently that was "Study hall" and we were being too loud... Yeah, I suppose I'm a rather loud person when I get excited about The Hobbit.

Anyway, then we had Home Ec. and we got to make lotion and soap and I had a blast with the same friend and we decided that sometime in the near future we need to get together and make soap and cookies and stuff and then watch the Hobbit because we find stuff like that to be great fun. :)
And then when we got home my friend I met while I was doing the commercial thingy (oh yeah, I got to be in a commercial) sent me a letter. Like, and actual letter in the actual mail and I loved it because I love getting letters SO much. So all in all it was quite a lovely day.

And my birthday is next week so I'm excited for that. But apparently my mom and one of my sisters are leaving for somewhere.... On my birthday. Ugh. And I'll also be gone for most of the day. But there are still plenty of bright sides to it. :)

We had really lovely weather today. Heh, I think I'm overusing the word 'lovely'. Ah well. it's a lovely word. Heheheh.
I do hope we get more rain though. I love rain.

Aaaaand my oldest sister might be coming home form college this weekend to visit us, so that will be great.

Have a great day lil' minions.

Monday, February 3, 2014


So I had a lot of fun last night. I went over to someone's house from our church and there was a get together to watch the Super Bowl. I don't play football, I have no idea how to, and I won't lie and say that I was interested in it, but I had a lot of fun anyways. I hung out with one of my friends and had quite a lot of sugary stuff. I was hyper. I'm usually hyper.
Afterward we stopped by a store and I got Nerds. Oh happy day.

I changed up my blog a bit because I was feeling like it. Hehehe

I had a lot of stuff to do today. Uuuuugh, Monday. And most of it is due tomorrow. >_<  WHY DO I PROCRASTINATE? So I was really stressed, but I've managed to get most of the stuff out of the way, and my brother was kind enough to help me with science. Science and I... We just don't get along. 

Now to some happy stuff! I'm gonna request my friend from the OYAN forum as my flatmate for the Summer Workshop hopefully later today. I'm super excited to me rooming with her. We are gonna have so much fun.

I had quite a bit of fun doing the writing prompt thingy, even if I did have to make it short. But now I need to diagram sentences. Kill me now. I hate doing that.

Today was cold again, and it is really wonderful. I had a nice cup of cocoa, which I wanna do more often.

Now I should go do my numerous chores I've put off, though I'll probably put them off for longer. Ah well, I can imagine myself doing them. Maybe I'll get around to it.

Have a nice week dahlings.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February and Randomness

IT'S FEBRUARY! AND THAT MEANS MY BIRTHDAY IS SOON! And I love February. No, I'm not biased just because I get cake and presents in February. It's an awesome month.

Soooo we had some hot annoying weather recently, and then suddenlt it dropped to the thirties, and then went back up again, and today is really cold. And it's supposed to snow AND I'M SO HAPPY BECAUSE I LOVE SNOW!

Now, the best new ever ever ever ever is that I get to go to the OYAN Summer Workshop this summer. I. Am. So. Excited. I've been dying to go, and when my mom said yes I danced around my room with my stuffed toy dog. That isn't sane. I don't care.
And I'll be rooming with my bestest friend from the forum, so that will be marvelous. ajfhjkahgsh I'm so excited.
Aaaaaaand I'm fairly certain my novel will be finished by then.

Also, I've gained a recent obsession for 50s style dresses. I'm hoping I get one for my birthday because they are the best things since sliced bread. (hehehe I said it)

I drew Greta (one of my characters) yesterday and I was really pleased because she actually looked mostly how I picture her, and that's something I am never able to accomplish. I was really proud, and promptly ignored the fact that her eyes aren't even.

I need to practice piano, even though I'm not having lessons tomorrow. I got a new song, and it's gonna be tricky, and I've failed to practice it, so I should get to that soon.

For my Writing/English class at our co-op I get to do this cool writing (exercise?) thing  where I write a paragraph about summer, and include all five senses in it. (not sure if that made sense) It's gonna be hard for me to write a paragraph. I'll probably end up writing a page and then having to shorten it, but it'll still be fun.
I also have to read half of The Phantom Tollbooth, so that will be fun. I've never read it before.

I was reading Ender's Game, and I was really enjoying it, and then my Kindle app thing messed up and now I can't read it. This is why we should all use real books instead of Kindles. Real books don't mess up and make you stop reading them and then leave you hanging while you can't figure out how to get back on.

I'm super excited for my novel, and I think I'm going to call it We All Fall Down. Not sure though, but I like the name, even if it'll make people think of the nursery rhyme thing. XD

Tata for now darlings.