The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Friday, March 28, 2014


So yesterday I was bored, and my wonderful mother had taken three of my little sisters to soccer and gymnastics practice. I was left home with my brother and my two youngest sisters. And because I was bored I decided to make cupcakes. :D Yes, that is basically what I do when I'm bored.
Actually, I was gonna make cookies, but we didn't have chocolate chips. And I don't like the other kind of cookies as much. So then I mixed the ingredients for a cake recipe, but I couldn't find a right sized pan for it. And the I saw one for cupcakes. So I used it. :D

Emelyn and Peyton tested it for me. :D

(This is the adorable Peyton)

(And this is Emelyn)
I think they liked it.

I dyed half the batter blue and the other half purple. My little sisters loved it. I put the purple on the bottom of the pan, but I only had enough for some of them. The rest were just all blue.

Then I cooked them. NO WAY!

Aaaaand then I let them cool for a bit and made the icing. I used food colouring for that too, and I let Emmy and Peyton pick out the colours they wanted. We ended up with purple and yellow. :D

It turns out I had way too much icing left over, but it was still fun. My little sisters loved guessing what color the bottom of the cupcake was going to be when it came out of the pan, because not all of them were the same color.

Then came the big test. They ate them, and I got to see if they liked them.

 She picked the cupcake up. *Jaws music starts to play*

 She lifts the cupcake to her mouth, staring me down the whole time. 
*music intensifies*

She considers it. For a single, terrifying moment time is frozen, and I await her verdict.
*music swells, inflicting terror into the heart of the cupcake maker*


And so... Yeah. This is the story of my cupcakes. :D
(excuse the quality of da pictures. I have a lame camera.)

 Truth be told, Peyton never actually finished hers, but my brother had like four of them so I think they were pretty good.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Chicken and Skating

I was woken up this morning by one of my little sisters telling me to get ready to go to the skating rink. We have a Homeschool Skating Day every third Friday, but I didn't want to go because I wanted to sleep. And I don't really have a lot of fun going. Buuuut my mom told me two of my friends would be going so I got excited and went.
And then my friends did not show up.
One of the girls from my soccer team from two years ago was there. It was really cool because she didn't used to be homeschooled, and we were good friends. But after I quit soccer I never got to see her anymore. So, believe it or not, we kinda just skated around together and picked up where we left off two years ago. No kidding. It wasn't even awkward. We just talked a lot, and we have a lot in common. It was the most fun I've had this week.
Then our families went to Chick-fil-a together and we talked more and I made fun of my chicken nugget.
I'm really glad I met her again. :D

And here is a picture of my adorable youngest sister standing on my feet so I would skate around with her. 

I decided to pick up my guitar and start to teach myself and watch videos on how to play and learn everything and all that good jazz. Only I found out that I should really tune my guitar first. She doesn't sound pretty when I play her. >.< So I'm going to attempt to get her tuned, and then start teaching myself. I'm excited.

My grandmother came over yesterday so we didn't have to do school. Ahhh, the life of a homeschooler. :D And then I accidently drank her Dr Pepper because I thought it was my mom's but I didn't tell anyone...
I am so awkward.

I figured out I start cleaning my room when I'm upset. At least, I did yesterday. I was was upset and I started emotionally picking up clothes of the floor. It was touching. XD

I think I may have a sleepover with one of my good friends this week, so I'm excited. Sleepovers are fun. Especially with this friend. We tend to stay up 'til four in the morning and then make sandwiches really late at night.

Have a good day minions. :D

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Favorite Socks and Ice Cream

So we have our WiFi back.  And it's quite a bit faster than it was before, so that's great.

I had piano lessons yesterday, for the first time in three weeks. They kept getting put off because of weather and other stuff. But I love the song I have now, and I've moved up like half a level, so I'm happy.

I made pancakes this morning for my little sisters and myself, but by the time I finished it was lunchtime. So now they just had pancakes for lunch. Which is actually really nice. I love pancakes. And socks.

I think we may go to Medieval Times for a family outing, because my oldest sister is home from college this week.
Medieval Times is the same place I was in a commercial for. Only, I was just part of the crowd, but it was still a lot of fun.

I really want to start learning guitar, and I think I'm gonna teach myself. Only, I never get around to it. Argh. But I love my guitar so, so much. She's beautiful.

I have decided I have a favorite sock. It has stripes. I lost it's match somewhere.
I named him Steve.
No wait, I just chose a favorite sock...I'm an awful sock owner.
Because seriously, how can you not love sock. They're like friendly little hugs you wear on your feet.

My room was clean... Was. I need to clean it again, because it annoys me when it's messy. But it doesn't annoy me enough to do something about it. Ugh. Such a dilemma.  

Today is really nice, and I think I'm gonna go do something spontaneous in a few minutes, so farewell darlings.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hi Again

I'm baaaaaaack!

So our Internet has been down for the past two weeks. But I only had to go a week without it, because I went to spend a week with my friend. My extraordinarily awesome friend who happens to be an OYANer.  I had an amazing week.

Our WiFi should be back by now, but it's NOT! *sobs* We're having someone come by tomorrow to check it out.

I watched the newest Spiderman whilst at my friend's house, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

While I was there, we did a photo shoot thingy. She had a very Sherlock-y looking coat, and I had a death Frisbee. So I wore those and she got pictures of me falling off of things. I know, I'm terrible. But it was fun. And then I have this red cloak that one of my other friends made for me that I got some pictures taken in.
And by the way, never ask me to look serious and stare into the distance. I fail miserably. I kept smiling and cracking up when my friend was trying to get serious pictures. But she did get some great ones! She's a good photographer. If she sends me any I'll try to post them.

In other random news, one of my younger sisters is going gluten free because she gets terrible migraines, frequently, and we think it may be because of a gluten allergy.

I am at Starbucks right now, and it's really nice.  I love the atmosphere here.

I also finished the Hunger Games trilogy. *dies* I have that beautifully sad, empty feeling you get when a book or series is over. 
I got to watch the first movie, and I don't love it, but it was good.

Well, signing off now. Have a great night minions!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Random Update on my Life

So I went to Soul Link this past weekend. I loved it, and I really enjoyed the lessons. And the worship was amazing. :D
On the way back in the bus I got bored so my friend and I did mustaches with our hair, and then we progressed to hair beards. It was so cold outside that there was ice on the inside of our windows, so we scraped it off and threw it at each other. It was great fun. (for hermits.)
Then the widnow was foggy so we played tic tac toe on it for a long time, because whenever we finished it would fog up again. 

I am currently sitting at Starbucks because our house won't have wifi for the next two weeks. I don't know if I'll make it.

I have a bit of homework to do for my co-op tomorrow, but not as much as in the past. I'm actualy kinda happy with it. I have no idea why, because I hate the Science stuff I have to do, but my writing homework makes me happy.

I get to go over to one of my best friends house and spend a week, this Sunday. I am so excited! I haven't seen her since October when we went to a book signing together.

I am going to Oklahoma this weekend to see my big sister at college. Our whole family is going, so that will be fun. I haven't been for a while.
On our way back from Oklahoma I'm getting dropped of to drive with my friend to her house to spend a week. And my  brother is coming because her older brother is his friend.

I'm not sure how many blog posts I'll get up over the next few weeks because I'm gonna be kinda busy.

Bye for now minions. :D