The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Failed Pancakes and Flowers

I had a good week.
On Monday I went to piano practice, and I've started on Madame De Pompadour, which is a lovely piece of music from one of the episodes of Doctor Who. I've got the first page down, and now I just have to wait until this Monday to get the next one done. I don't usually take it one page at a time, but my piano teacher said it would be better because this piece has six flats. Yes. Six. But once I got the hang of it, it's not that hard.

On Tuesday I went to our other homeschool co-op and got to see mah friends again. In my Writing class one of  my teachers spends personal time with anyone who wants their writing critiqued, so I always do that. This week we were doing poetry, which I am in love with, so she read through mine and liked it. :D
I'm the only girl in my class, and all the boys in it hate poetry. Their loss. XD I don't know why though, poetry is beautiful. But it is kind of funny every week when they're all like, "Whhhhyyy are we doing this? WHY?" And I enjoy it so I just kinda laugh at them in my head.

Yesterday I asked my brother to teach me how to use a shotgun. So he did. I'm really proud now. I know how to shoot with one.
We went up in our tree house thingy and he set a box out in the woods for me to aim at. I was afraid the gun would have a kick to it and slam into my shoulder, but it didn't have strong one. It was really loud though, but really cool. And I kept my first empty shell.
I'm not sure how many times I actually hit the box, because when we brought it back in it was full of holes, but my brother shot some too. So I dunno if I hit it at all. I kept aiming too high.

Me with the shotgun. :D
My mom got that picture. :)

I was babysitting Emelyn and Peyton on Thursday night. Because I'm an awesome big sister I decided to make pancakes for dinner. They were really excited when I made them into heart shapes. :D
Peyton with her heart pancake. 
 I usually mess up on making pancakes, but I actually got these ones done really well. So I finished and we were all happy and hungry and ready to eat pancakes... And then we had no syrup, and pancakes are not pancakes without syrup. So I decided to make syrup, which is surprisingly easy. My mom used to do it all the time when I was younger, so she texted me the easy recipe and I followed it. 
Only, it's probably better to have all the details the first time you make syrup, because I left it on the stove for too long and it basically turned it to really yummy concrete on the bottom of a pan. 
So, not one to be discouraged, I tried again. And this time I was so worried about ruining another pan and messing up the syrup that I didn't cook it long enough. So it was kind of a pasty bowl of sugar. Which was no good.
So after burning my tongue about five times and also burning my fingers a lot we had to eat my beautiful pancakes without any syrup. It was mortifying.
And I'm a klutz in the kitchen apparently. Ah well, it won't stop me from cooking.

I went out jogging with my sister on Thursday, I think. She plays soccer so she can jog for a really long time. I kept making her slow down because I'm pretty awful at keeping up for a long time. And I also kept stopping her so I could take pictures. There are a lot of flowers out now, 'cause it's Spring Time, and we live in the country, so it was really beautiful and I got a lot of pictures.
I had to take like ten pictures before I got one with its wings open.
This is one of my favorites.
I thought this looked lovely.

I think I annoyed her with how much I stopped her, but we had a lot of fun. We're really close in age, so we're best friends and we laugh and talk a lot. At one point she said something and I just had to stop and bend over because I was laughing so hard. Keep in mind I did this on the side of the road because I was laughing so hard. There are hardly ever any cars on it though, since it's kinda the middle of nowhere.
And then we talked about TV shows we liked, and about other stuff, and we sang this weird little hand shake/song we came up with together. It was great fun. 

My big sister Madison is HOME FROM COLLEGE FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER! I'm really happy. This means that when our Dad gets back from his trip our family will be back together! :D

Have a lovely weekend minions. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Family Outings and Gymnastics

I just got back from the movie God's Not Dead. It was incredibly impacting and I cried. Okay, I may cry during a lot of different movies, but still. If you're able to you should go see it. It was amazing. 
Aside from seeing it, it was a fun family outing. (Just missing Madison, 'cus she had to be smart and go to college.) 

Adrienne and me at the movie. :)

We all got some candy, and I had chocolate, which is always better than popcorn. Hmmm, I wonder how chocolate popcorn would taste. 
Speaking of the candy, I may or may not have finished mine within the first five minutes of the movie. But I can neither confirm nor deny that rumor.
Read as: Yes I ate it all in eight minutes and I would do it again.

In other terrific news, my little sister Katherine qualified for nationals in gymnastics. That’s right; my nine year old sister is going to the Junior Olympics this summer. I’m super proud of her. And also a little in awe because I’m not sure if I could even do a cartwheel anymore.

My one and only big sister Madison is coming home FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER in less than two weeks. I’m excited, even if I do have to clean her room. Even if it’s completely fair I have to clean that room because I used it in her absence and it’s not clean anymore. But that’s off topic.

I asked my piano teacher if I could bring some Doctor Who sheet music to practice next week, so I could learn it. HE SAID YES! So soon I’m gonna know the breathtakingly sad, beautiful piece of music from the episode The Girl in the Fireplace. Squeeeee I’m happy.

We had a really random cold front come through last night. Like, extrodinarly random for Texas in April. As in: Why is this happening it should be in the nineties right now.
Not that I don’t like it. I love cold weather. It’d just be kinda nice to know Texas is gonna be cold and therefore my room will get really cold and I’ll have to use two comforters and a third blanket. Not that, y’know, that happened last night or anything.

Well, I’m feeling inspired and really happy right now. Maybe I’ll get some writing done.
Have a lovely week. Tata for now.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sisters and Niceness

This morning I got up early-ish because I hatd an orthodontist appointment to go to. (*glares at le braces*) So I got ready and we did a quick clean up before I left with my mom. We sang geography songs I remembered from when I was four (my mom is just great like that) and then we got to the little building of tears and crushed spirits because you have to wear braces for two years where I get my braces... Looked at? I dunno, leave that stuff to the professionals.
So I walked in with my mom and went to sign in, only the computer was off and it wouldn't let me... So I asked a lady about it, and she asked me who I was there to see. So I told her and apparently that guy wasn't in on Thursdays, and my appointment is tomorrow at ten, not today.
Woohoo, I've managed to mix up days of the week. Ah well.

Being the wonderful person my mom is, she just shrugged it off and as soon as we were out the door she goes "Let's go to Bealls." So. We went to Bealls. I got one of my friends a present because her birthday is today, and then I got the best shoes any human has ever seen. I mean, usually I couldn't care less about shoes but these things are great.
Then I helped her pick out Easter dresses for my little sisters. Which was quite a few dresses. But it was fun finding dresses that matched, and they are all really cute. Then my mom found a dress for me and I love it a lot too.
So we went to check out and the lady who checked us out was seriously the nicest lil' lady I'd seen all day. She talked a lot, and she greatly approved of all the stuff we were buying. Seriously, she squealed at like everything we got. But it was sweet, and later I told my mom she reminded me of Effie Trinket. I mean that in the best way possible, because I like Effie.
A really kind elderly lady randomly gave us a coupon while we were checking out. Which was really nice. Bealls has like all the nicest people apparently.
Afterwards we went out to eat and there was a really nice waiter guy. It's like National Everybody is Nice Day. I love it. Nice people rub off and make other people want to be nice.

Oh yes, by the way, I did change my blog. Like, a lot of it. But I was getting annoyed by the way it used to look. So I'm gonna try this out for a while.

After we got home my little sisters were ecstatic about their dresses, and we decided to put them on and go down to the little field of Bluebonnets and take our yearly Bluebonnet pictures.
It was fun, and it's a really nice day.

Me and Adrienne.

Okay, for some reason I apparently like to have my eyes half open in most pictures. Huh. Ah well.

All five of my little sisters, and then me. (it was kinda windy)

So yeah, it was a lot of fun, and I like the pictures. :D

Have a great rest of the day.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Piano Lessons and Unicorns

I got my hair trimmed! And it honestly doesn't look very different, but I haven't had it cut or anything since last October or something. And I haven't cut cut it in about two years. I'm trying to get it to my waist.
(This may or may not be so I can to cool Elvish hair styles with it. Don't judge me.)

I had a lot of Grammar and English homework to get done this past week. But I got most of it done today in a nice, quiet little library at TAFA. I only have a few more pages left now, so I won't be staying up 'til one thirty this morning!
(not that I've, y'know, done that in the past or anything. I would never.)

I had a good piano lesson today. And my piano teacher makes me laugh, but I think that may be because I just laugh a lot. And it's always at times that don't... Need laughter. Like when he's trying to get me to play with a correct tempo. And I start smiling. And then I try really hard not to laugh because I don't want to be disrespectful, and then I have to look away.
But he likes the songs I'm doing for my upcoming recital, and I've got them both down by memory. :)

Great news, my big sister gets to come home for the summer IN TWO WEEKS! I'm happy, 'cus I miss her and I keep forgetting she's not home.

My youngest sister, Peyton, has made it known she wants a Unicorn for her birthday in May. She asked for one for Christmas, and she got a stuffed toy one. And she indignantly told us that "This is a fake Unicorn!" She's quite bossy. ... And she's only three right now. Oh what fun she'll be as a teenager.
But yeah, I suppose she'll never get that Unicorn.

I've recently been wanting to cosplay. I don't even know who, but it's a lot of fun. I did Amy Pond once, and I have one of her outfits almost perfectly. I didn't even have to buy anything, I just had the stuff. I think it's the one she wears in Day of the Moon. And yeah, I'm blond so the hair color was quite a bit off, but it was fun. And I drew Silence marks on my arms, but I got too shy to wear them around because I was about to go to piano practice and my piano teacher would see them so I wiped them off really quickly.

Anywhoo, bye for now minions. Have a great day.