The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas

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So, while I abandoned my blog, lots of life has happened to me, and my blog turned a year old. Or I guess it just is a year old. I'm not sure if blogs turn years old.
I'll spare you the five hundred paragraph post that would be required to bring my five readers up to date on my quiet, beautiful, hectic little life.

Instead, I'll just leave you knowing that I have never been happier for a Christmas break (High school has not been kind), we've had several bouts of sickness in our family, I've fallen quite in love with Autumn and sunsets and cold air, and basically life, once more, and I find myself running quite behind on Christmas gifts.
Which can basically sum up the last few months, but also doesn't even come close to doing just that.

Instead I'm just going to start from here and now, because I've found that works quite well.

Christmas is almost upon us, and I've gotten most of my gifts sorted out for my numerous siblings. The key word here is most. I still have to get something for Madison, Adrienne, and my mom and dad. Oh yes, and my grandmother. But on the bright side, I have gifts for my five other siblings ready.

I've found that the older I get, the less excited I get about Christmas. And it made me sad, last year being about the first time I realized that I wasn't filled with constant thrills of joy and excitement, and I was sadly aware that I fell asleep rather easily on Christmas Eve.
But maybe, and please bear with the Halmark channel cheesiness here, that's because Christmas is quite a bit more than not being able to sleep on the night before, and the joy of ripping off all that wrapping paper.

Because I've found this year, as keep waiting for myself to be filled with wonderful excitement, that it's just not happening. I'm not, no matter how much I wish to be, ecstatic about the gifts already piling up under the tree.

But there is so much Christmas in the candlelight service my church held last week, where we heard the story of Mary and baby Jesus, and then sang Christmas songs. And it filled me up with something I wasn't sure how to feel at all.

And then tonight, when I spent all day at my best friends house, and me and my older siblings sat together with our friends and watched Scrooge (which I can't honestly say I like watching more than once.), and Annie, and were just laughing and being together. And in a moment of cliche-ness, I looked at their Christmas tree, and the lights from it made the room warm and cozy, and I was just kind of like, "I think this is what Christmas is now."

Because gifts are only exciting for so long, and trees will go back to the garage or attic or wherever, along with the ornaments and lights. But the reason for the season, if I may borrow the overused phrase, will, I feel, linger with me. Because Jesus is gonna stay in my heart forever, and Christmas is finally starting to bring that into sharp relief, and maybe that's what it's all about.
Those Christmas songs, and that laughter and peace, are going to be in my soul for a long, long time.
And that is, I think, what I'm discovering Christmas to be once I stop and think about it.

So, I hope you all find joy this beautiful holiday season, and that your heart loves Christmas as much as mine is starting to.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happines Post #1

So. A while back I said I wanted to start having periodic posts about happiness. Here's the first one. :)

Things To Be Happy About:

Autumn. Texas takes a while, but it does cool down. And that's finally starting to happen over here. I love the cool weather, the golden leaves, and there's just something sharp and fresh about the air in fall.  

Meeting up with old friends. I got to see a good friend I haven't talked to in a while, and it was wonderful to catch up with her. We're both kinda equally awkward, so we had an amazingly awkward time together. It was good fun.

Little reminders that God is there, and that I'm so very blessed. Sometimes God does something huge and amazing, and I'm kind of hit with this feeling of whoa, God is huge, and he really loves me. And then sometimes there are little things that come into my heart slowly and linger for a long time. Like how the wind feels on my face, and how the sunset paints the sky, and when my little sisters run to hug me. These little blessings are beautiful.

Encouraging verses. These have wonderfully calmed me down before tests, and when I'm feeling really stressed out, or maybe when I just need some peace.

For His anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5

Psalm 61:2 
 From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2
 Vintage Chalkboard Styled Typography by Mandipidy, $17.50   Isaiah 40:30  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
 After saving up for a while, I was finally able to buy my own phone! I have been taking pictures on it a bit excessively, because the camera is lovely. 

Free time. After I got some of my school out of the way today, I sat down (read as: laid on my floor because it's comfortable) and drew this. Just because.
 FAVORITE POEM! (I used my camera to take this. Ehehehe.)

My big sister got to visit from college. It was wonderful having her back. 
Also I love this picture. <3
Also, the only reason she looks taller than me is because the ground was slanted.
I have like two whole inches on her, and I'm like five years younger. 
See, there's another thing to be happy about. I'm taller than my big sister. Hahaha. Haha. Ha

There are a ton of things to be happy about, and really you don't even have to think hard. 
So, what have you (my five readers) been happy about?

Friday, September 19, 2014

In Which Cameron Shares Sarcasm and Pictures

So, I've been up to quite a bit the past few weeks. I just haven't really had time to post because of school. Without further ado, the past few weeks in the life of Yours Truly.
(There're kinda a lot of pictures. You have been warned.)
My friend and I had a mini photshoot thingy-majig. I like how this one turned out. 

This was a while ago, but I made these two things.

Soccer season started back up, and that means watching sister's play.
 Watchin' a game with this darling. 
We specialize in funny faces.

I saw this typewriter in a bank, and I had to get a picture. 
 As I was taking it this really official looking lady walked out of a room near me, and she kinda just stared at me. I could feel the judgement she was judging me with shooting out of her eyeballs and glaring into my soul. I guess most teenaged girls don't kneel down on the bank floor to get a picture of a typewriter.
But hey, in my defense, it made for a cool picture. 

I got another cool picture of our lovely piano and some sheet music. 
Nobody judged me for taking this one, except maybe my cat.

 Me and da big sistah. She's so pertyful.

My older sister had to go back to college. It was a devastating day in our household. Many a child flocked to big sister and wept into her skirt, pleading with her to stay.
No, not really. She wasn't wearing a skirt, and there wasn't flocking or sobbing. This isn't Elsie Dinsmore.
I think she's gonna have a great Sophomore year. 

Also, another noteworthy thing. Jackson gave me a piggyback ride. I felt really tall and cool and probably looked like a dork. But eh, who really cares? Besides, I'm already a dork. :)
Then we argued about who got shotgun, because he always gets it, and it isn't fair. So I though that maybe once he could look into his heart and find there the kindness to let me sit in shotgun.
... I didn't get shotgun.
 I've got the best bro.

School is going as well as one can expect it to. Though I rather hate math tests. I kinda hate all the tests I've had to take.

On that cheerful note, I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


On Wednesday night at church we had a great lesson about women in the New Testement. They were in there too, even if there's not a whole lot about them. And we didn't just talk about Mary. We talked about Lydia, Joanna, and Priscilla. They're awesome.
Then, near the end of the lesson, our Youth Minister's wife went up and answered some questions about being a woman of strong faith when your in high school and stuff. And she said something about Joy, how she loves it when people are joyful, and gave us an acronym for it. 

Jesus first others second yourself last - JOY 

Put Jesus first, others second, and yourself last. I love this so much, because it's a really good thing to think about and try to practice. I believe Jesus should be first in our lives, no matter what we're doing. Then think of others, and lastly, yourself. 
I've had this on my mind ever since then, and I can't stop thinking about it. So now I really want to try and do it. To have joy, both ways. Because being joyful is lovely. I love finding things that make me happy, and I rather like being joyful in general.

So. Today I'm going to try to choose joy. To be happy and enjoy things, and also try to use the acronym. Which I think is great to apply for every day life.

Today I chose Joy. What are you gonna chose?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

An Update Because of School and Happiness

So, I've been rather busy the last two weeks. I started school again. Read the last sentence again and weep. Not really. It hasn't actually been all that awful. My first two weeks of official high school-ness have gone pretty well.

Our co-op has gotten a little larger, and the classes are more organized. Also, it's on Thursday now too, instead of just Tuesday. Which is a little more hectic. Wednesday has been donned my stress out day, because I have homework to finish and then another pile of it to look forward to.

I've had a love/hate relationship with science for the last few years, except there's been no love. Just hate. I hate science. Until this year. I've started Biology, and I thought it would be awful, but I've actually really rather enjoyed everything so far. I understand it a lot better than I thought I would, and I got a good grade on my first test today. Which is cause for celebration. I'd eat chocolate. If I had any.

My math and I, however, are already beginning that downward spiral in our relationship that leads to me having daydreams of burning Algebra. I kinda hate anything to do with it now, but at least I'm getting it done.

History is going pretty good. I had to do an essay on Religious Freedom, but it didn't have to be long. And I had rather a good time writing it.

My piano lessons are lovely. I've always love piano, and I'm super glad I get to take it again this year. I've moved up quite a bit from my playing level of last year. 
I am, as of yesterday, working once again on the soundtrack music "One Day" from Pirates of the Caribbean. I love it so much, and I can't wait to get the whole thing down. 

Okay, I've been thinking a bit about making a list every day of ten things I'm thankful for. Because thinking of those things tends to make me happy, and it's rather fun and refreshing to do. And then I got to thinking I could put something like that on my blog. Every time I post I can do happiness of the day thing. Or something. Or maybe posts for happiness. They shall be donned Happiness Posts.
... I like this idea. Happiness is fun.
But for now I'm just gonna do five things that have made me happy.

So, things that have made me happy today:
Good test scores. :)
New piano songs.
Hugs from little sisters.
The fact that it should be cooling of soon, which means autumn isn't too far away.
Understanding Algebra. At least for today.

Now, I challenge you, my probably-somewhere-around-five readers, to think of five things that made you happy this fine day. You don't have to do anything with it, just think about them. It makes for a good day. :)

Have a lovely rest of the day.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Of Roller Coasters and Toilet Paper

So, I kind of disappeared for the last month. Sorry about that, but I’m back now, and I’ve done quite a lot this past month. 

I’ve been to Six Flags a lot this summer, mainly because we got season passes for Christmas last year, and we don’t want to waste them. Also because people keep inviting us. Also because it’s only like 45 minutes away. I’m not complaining though, it’s been great fun.
I would put up the pictures of me and my friends at said amusement park, but I’m not sure if they want their faces plastered on my blog, so I shall abstain.
I shall, however, put a picture of one of my little sisters, Reagan. She’s been terrified of rollercoaster-ing for a very long time, but she finally faced her fears and went on one.

 She was really excited about having done it, as you can see.
In other news, I went to our local craft store and went on a knitting crazed shopping spree. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I did buy some yarn and knitting related stuff. 

Neon yarn makes me happy.

Last week we went to Medieval Times. If you don’t know what it is you should look it up. There might be one near you, and it’s incredibly cool.
We had tickets to go, which we received for being in the commercial they filmed back in January.  Actually, I don’t think we were in the commercial, we were more part of the crowd. But it was still really cool. 

My family at Medieval Times.
Minus my wonderful dad, who couldn’t be there ‘cause of work. 

There are two things about this picture I would like to point out, just for the sake of it. 

One: Darling little Peyton, whom I’m holding, is hiding her face. I was like, “Smile and look at the camera!” So she pouted and looked away from the camera. Such a sweetheart.

Two: Jackson, my dear older (and only) brother, is in this picture. He doesn’t like his face to be in pictures, but I’m going to put him on here anyway, because I like this photo. I just won’t tell him. *fades into the background sneakily*

Katherine, another little sister, got a haircut. This doesn’t relate to me, but I’m putting it on my blog anyway, because she is so adorable with it.

We got some rain the past few weeks. In July and August, in Texas. I was very excited. I love rain.

Katherine playing in the rain. 

So a few weeks ago, Katherine and Reagan got some of those letters that go on your wall, and they spelled their names with them and stuff to decorate. Anyway, afterwards I was walking through Peyton’s and Emelyn’s bedroom, and I noticed something on the wall by Peyton’s bed.

I am not kidding when I say Peyton did this. She is four. And apparently a little genius.
My mom and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

A while ago Adrienne and I went shopping with our mom, and we went to get toilet paper, and Adrienne noticed the tiniest little pack of it. We thought it was the funniest thing ever, compared to what our family gets.
We thought the difference was hilarious.

The rest of the time we pointed out the little packages of sugar and stuff and laughed at them.

And then I came to the realization that when I go to college and stuff I’m probably going to get the huge packages of things on accident, just out of habit.
I told this realization to my mom, and apparently my older sister did do this, with laundry detergent, during her past semester of college. 


And yes, yes we are carrying pillows. Since we repainted our room, we got some to match, and we carried them around the store.
We weren’t even embarrassed.
Maybe we should have been…

Well, now you, my five readers, know what had been going on in my life the past month. I hope you enjoyed.

Here is a parting message from Peyton.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Grand Day of the Fourth

Okay so I’m going to be confusing and post about the Fourth of July on the eighth. Because the actual fourth was really busy and tiring and I didn’t have time.

I got up early. Well, early for me, which was about nine. I dragged myself out of bed and got ready to the annual parade our town holds, which runs through the town Square. It’s usually quite an enjoyable experience if you don’t count the Texas heat. 

Reagan and me, ready for the parade.

So we loaded into the van and proceeded to drive into town. Yes, we have a church van. Other cars don’t really fit a family of ten. Anyway, we got to the Square and looked for a parking place. We didn’t see one right off, because almost everywhere was packed. Finally we found one in a mostly empty parking lot, and then we went to sit with our lovely friends. And waited. And waited. And then the parade started, and my little sisters were overjoyed that they were throwing out candy this year. They got quite a bit of it. I may or may not have used my big sister skills to get some from Reagan. 

I had quite a lot of fun, just sitting and watching with four of my friends, and afterwards my mom took all of us, except my Dad and Adrienne, to go eat at Chick-fil-A. Which was wonderful, because I was really hungry. Then we headed back to the Square to check out the many booths people had set up, selling cool and quirky things. I love looking at all the stuff people make.
We didn’t stay at the Square long, though, because really hot days plus whiny little sisters does not equal a fun time. We did get snow cones though, so that was good.
Then we went home, and I think I took a nap but I can’t remember. I was really tired.

My Dad made steak and sausage, and it was incredibly good, and then my Mom did homemade french-fries. They were the best. 

After we ate we got ready to go to the annual Parking-Lot-of-Firework-Watching, and then loaded back into the car. When we got there we set up our chairs and I went off with my friends to talk and laugh and, when we got bored, crawl through large drainage tunnels that did not hold water. 

And then it was time for the fireworks, and I have to say this was my favorite Fourth of July show I can remember. The fireworks were spectacular, and the finale was lovely, and they even released two that took the shape of hearts. I freaked out a bit over those. I mean c’mon, heart fireworks.
Then it was time to head back home, and I said goodbye to a new friend I wouldn’t see until next year, and then we headed back home. And then there was my glorious bed waiting for me. 

So yes, that basically sums up the day of the fourth. I hope y'all had a lovely Independence Day too.

Monday, July 7, 2014

OYAN Workshop Pictures

Well, here are the promised pictures of my wonderful time at the workshop. Enjoy them, my five readers, enjoy them.

On the way there with my lovely mother. 

Me and Ellie. :)

Playing Ninja the first night. 

I got the meet the lovely English Rose, also known as Beth.

Me and Haylee! 

And I had to get a picture of this wonderful person and their wonderful Merlin-ness.


One of my lovely Sherlock Sisters. She went as Molly. She's quite a wonderful Molly. :)

If you look closely you can see an apple by the second door. 
Ellie and I decided to carve IOU into one and put it in front of Hannah's and Delaney's dorm door.
We were very pleased with ourselves. 

I met Jill Williamson!

Addison, my critique group leader, made this TARDIS. He made it. He is awesome.
It was so incredible.

I had to touch it.

Me and Catsi by the TARDIS.
We got her to watch DW. :D

The two Rivers.

Sherlock in the Death-Frisbee.

River and Pond by the TARDIS.

The glow stick of destiny.

Me with the Doctor and the TARDIS.
Or Hannah and Kiera. :)

Critique Groups. 
Fairy Pools forever!

Me and Mr. S. :D

My Ninja Buddy.

Frodo and Sam.

Walking by Faith. 

Last day hugs with the wonderful Someone. 

Emma. :)

And the lovely Patience. 


My other Cameron. :D

Sherlock Sisters forever. 

The sword fight.

Wholock. :P

I got to sign the fez.

The sock monkeys. 

Being fabulous grumpy cats.

The last picture of Ellie.

I miss wearing this.

I had a lovely, wonderful, amazing week, and I won't forget it. 
I can't wait to go back.
