The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


I had a wonderful Christmas!

I wasn't overly excited about it this year, and I slept without continually waking up on Christmas eve night, but in the morning I went downstairs to my little sisters' bedroom and squealed quietly with them. I think I act like a five year old on Christmas. All five of my little sisters and I stayed in there, waiting for the rest of the house to wake up so we could open presents. Finally we got impatient and sent Adrienne to go wake our parents up. She took a long time so we started singing song from Frozen. Loudly. Our mom got up.

I walked through the door and saw my present and it was the first time in my life I've cried because I was so happy about a Christmas present. My parents had given me an acoustic guitar. I screamed. Loudly.
I know basically nothing about playing guitar, but I'd been wanting one for a while because I wanted to learn how to play. I love music, and I love making music. So now I have the most beautiful guitar ever made and I already figured out how to play some of the Doctor Who theme song. Mehehehe I see a good future for my guitar and me.

Adrienne (the oldest of my little sisters) got me a TARDIS hat, which I love dearly, and a Keep Calm and Don't Blink shirt. I love them both a lot.

(me in my awesome new shirt)

My big brother gave me really awesome fingerless gloves (they're almost TARDIS blue) and I loved them so much I wore them to bed and have worn them all today too. 
I got this same big brother the 4th Doctor's hat, but it didn't get here in time, so he'll get it later. 
I also got a Hobbit poster, which I love lots and lots and lots. 

My favorite gift I gave was to my little seven year old sister. I gave her a notebook, because she loves telling me all her story ideas, and coming up with great plots. I told her that now she has something to write her stories in, and she was really happy. It's so adorable how much she loves creating stories and characters. She'll write great stories.

Then last night our family sat down and watched the Doctor Who Christmas special, and I cried. A lot. It was a beautiful episode, and a beautiful way to say goodbye to 11. I'll miss him. "Raggedy man... Goodbye." *cries all the tears*

I think I say every Christmas is the best. And I think every one always is.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Use ALL the quotes!

I love it when I slip Sherlock quotes into conversations and they fit in perfectly... Yeah okay I did! (Mehehehe)

Yesterday I was talking with my brother and my brother's friend, and I asked my bro's friend if he watched anything on BBC. He said he didn't, and I told him he should watch Sherlock and Doctor Who. And then I told him I cried about Merlin. (I probably scared him away from that fandom...)
Anyways, we got to talking about how Benedict Cumberbatch plays quite a lot of villains, and he asked, "Is Sherlock the villain?"
My brother answered with something along the lines of, "He's not a bad guy... He's not the villain. He's a good guy." And of course I saw an opportunity to insert a Sherlock quote, so naturally I go,
"He may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that he is one." I felt extremely proud of myself.

And then a few weeks ago we were driving home and my little sister thought she saw a coyote (we live in the country) in a pasture next to us. My brother goes, "It was proabbly just a jack rabbit or something." And my little sister got frustrated and said,
"It was bigger than a rabbit!" Meheheheh I saw another chance and I took it. Of course I did. So I go, "To be fair, that is quite a wide range." I felt witty. Very witty. John quotes are fun.

Now I need to start using Moriarty quotes in every other sentence. Moriarty quotes are the best. But then, I suppose, that is rather the point. I would use some more, but everything I have to say has probably already crossed your mind.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hello to anybody out there who is actually reading this. This is my blog. (no way!)

So, about me. I'm a Whovian, a Sherlockian, a Merlinian (is that how you say it? Well, I love Merlin!) and I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. And I might be slightly obsessed with elves. Just thought I'd let you know.
I love to write, but I haven't actually ever finished writing a book. I'm working on one right now that I'm sort of doing for OYAN. I've written a bit of it, but mostly I'm plotting it out right now.
I may or may not spontaneously fangirl in future posts, so be prepared.
My name is Cameron.
If you want to know how old I am get to know me and maybe I'll tell you.
I love socks. Not just fuzzy socks.
I like mittens.
And I like those hats with the hangy downey thingies that go over your ears and have a little yarn ball puffy thing on top. Yeah, I like those a lot.
I love rainy days... Which you may have guessed from the name of this blog.
And I also ramble. Which is also in the name of this blog.
I also like to talk. Quite a bit.

I'm not quite sure what I'll talk about on here, because I haven't talked about it yet, so I don't know if I'm going to say it... (I'm confusing) I'll most likely talk about my fandoms, books, writing, socks, and things I do that I think are wonderful enough to go on here. Such as using Moriarty quotes in public.

I'll probably be random and rambly and a bit weird (the good kind of weird) Sooo...