The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

In Which I am my Little Sister's Trusty Steed

Hai. Again. Long time no post. Forgive me, my probably-somewhere-around-five readers. But I'm back again. Not that I went anywhere. I was just not posting. Because I didn't feel like it. But I do now. At eleven at night... I'm a weirdo. Good, let's get that established now or nothing will make sense.
I think this counts as talking to myself...
Not even the first time.

Okies, so I'm not sure what all has happened since I last posted because my life is the lovely kind of crazy that requires me to forget a lot of stuff because so much happens. I should keep a journal. Oh wait, that's kind of what this is.
Oh wait, I have a journal too.

Well, I went to Six Flags, which was incredibly fun. Homeschool day happened to be (once again) on a rainy day. Like, the only rainy day in May. But forgive and forget and all that. I guess I won't go about sueing the park manager.
Totally kidding I'm a nice person I promise I wouldn't do that don't hate me I really love people and I won't sue you.
Now that the longest sentence ever is out of the way, let's proceed.
Anyway, that meant we had to wait around or about an hour before it was safe to open any rides, but my brother's friend was there and we hung out with him and his mom. Yes, I hang out with my big brother's friend's mom. Don't look at me like that.
My mom took the three younger kids to the for-younger-people rides, and I went with my brother, Adrienne, and Katherine to go ride big fun rides that I positively love.
Here, have a picture.

 I am the tallest blond gal. (oh wait we're all blond)  No just kidding I'm the three year old who looks really pouty.
Haha nope, that, my dear readers (all five of you), is Peyton. She is sweet half the time and the rest of the time she's a tiny blond dictator with a pink bunny who doesn't like Cameron. 
I kid you not.

Anyway, we left kinda early because the largest rain storm of the century decided to rain on us. We all got nice a wet and Peyton was miserable and cried but I still love her. Also, I was her personal steed all the way out to the car. Y'know, I'm my three year old sister's slave big sister stuff.
But we did get to ride large rides with incredibly short lines. Homeschoolers at six flags with lots of rain and angry looking clouds equal short lines. Huh, who woulda guessed.

And then yesterday I had a piano recital. Apparently I'm like the lowest level player in my teacher's class, because everyone else was playing Mozart and stuff and I was kinda just plucking on the keys.
Juuust kidding, but really, they were all so much better than me. One kid played Radioactive, and I died, and then he played the Sherlock themes and I died some more. My sister asked me if I was gonna marry him. It was apparently no secret I loved the music. 
Another girl played Colors of the Wind and I think I died for the third time and there was emergency CPR preformed on my dead, fangirled-to-death, body.
I'm kidding by the way. No CPR. Which is sad. It might have spiced up the recital. Always one for excitement. Maybe next time I should choke on the paper they hand out and give everybody something to remember.
Actually, with my clumsiness I could probably choke on the paper without trying. Stay tuned and read all my blog posts and comment and everything and maybe it will happen.
Wait, am I trying to bribe y'all into bribing me to choke on paper?
I think I need my bed.

Good night fair minions.  


  1. SO YOU PLAYED 'MADAME DE POMPADOUR'? 8D I'd have loved to hear that. Those other songs sound awesome too, but I'm sure you did fantastic. :)

    1. P.S. I love your sisters. XD

    2. AHHHH I wish I had! But no, I had a few parts in that song that needed work, so I played two other songs.

      :D I love my sisters too, even when I am their personal servant.
