The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fredrick the Sock Teddy/Rabbit and Sherlock Season 3

Wow. I apparently decided to abandon my blog for a few weeks. Sorry 'bout that. I'M BACK NOW!

... I haven't updated this blog since last year... *sniff* I'm so sorry guys. I feel terrible.
*snerk* Sorry, I just had to.

This week has been quite eventful and busy. We had the 4-H Stock Show, and  I had entered to show some stuff in Family Living. Only I'd only made some of it, and I had to have it finished by Thursday, so that was pretty hectic.
I made a teddy bear/rabbit/thingy out of socks, clean, new socks. I promise. It gave him a cuddly, patchwork sort of look.
I named him Frederick.
None of my other stuff placed except Frederick. He got second place in the Stuffed Toys division for my level. I'M SO PROUD OF MY LIL' TEDDY/RABBIT/THINGY BEAR! I KNEW HE'D DO GREAT THINGS!

And... And... And... SHERLOCK SEASON THREE! *dies* Less than two weeks ago we were on hiatus, and in less than a week we'll be on it again. *cries*
I won't be posting any spoiler until after the people wating for it to air in America have had a chance to see it. Which will be hard, very very very hard. BUT I'M DOING IT ANYWAYS BECAUSE I'M NICE! ... Though I'm not sure anyone reads this blog. Meh. Minor detail.
BUT I HAVE LOVED BOTH EPISODES SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN! *keels over* Like seriously, the amount of feels from them is huge. And they're not even sad feels mostly. They're happy and beautiful feels AND THOSE ARE THE BEST KIND!
The acting is wonderful, as usual.
I'm scared to watch The Sign of Three. I'm afraid of what will happen to my babies! I WANT THEM TO ALL LIVE!

And the weather is back to warm. I'm pretty sure it was in the mid seventies today. <.< Sometimes I hate Texas weather so much. IT'S SHOULDN'T BE SEVENTY DEGREES IN JANUARY! *wants snow*

In other news, I luff Finn (one of my characters) even more than I used to. And I feel bad because I'm so mean to him. BUT HE IS SERIOUSLY SO SWEET AND WONDERFUL!
No. Halp. I'm not supposed to get this attached to him.

Aaaaand it's only one month 'til my birthday! *beams* I think I'll be asking for books and geeky stuff. And probably lots of socks.

Tata for now darlings. Have a great day! ... Er, night.