The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Of Roller Coasters and Toilet Paper

So, I kind of disappeared for the last month. Sorry about that, but I’m back now, and I’ve done quite a lot this past month. 

I’ve been to Six Flags a lot this summer, mainly because we got season passes for Christmas last year, and we don’t want to waste them. Also because people keep inviting us. Also because it’s only like 45 minutes away. I’m not complaining though, it’s been great fun.
I would put up the pictures of me and my friends at said amusement park, but I’m not sure if they want their faces plastered on my blog, so I shall abstain.
I shall, however, put a picture of one of my little sisters, Reagan. She’s been terrified of rollercoaster-ing for a very long time, but she finally faced her fears and went on one.

 She was really excited about having done it, as you can see.
In other news, I went to our local craft store and went on a knitting crazed shopping spree. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I did buy some yarn and knitting related stuff. 

Neon yarn makes me happy.

Last week we went to Medieval Times. If you don’t know what it is you should look it up. There might be one near you, and it’s incredibly cool.
We had tickets to go, which we received for being in the commercial they filmed back in January.  Actually, I don’t think we were in the commercial, we were more part of the crowd. But it was still really cool. 

My family at Medieval Times.
Minus my wonderful dad, who couldn’t be there ‘cause of work. 

There are two things about this picture I would like to point out, just for the sake of it. 

One: Darling little Peyton, whom I’m holding, is hiding her face. I was like, “Smile and look at the camera!” So she pouted and looked away from the camera. Such a sweetheart.

Two: Jackson, my dear older (and only) brother, is in this picture. He doesn’t like his face to be in pictures, but I’m going to put him on here anyway, because I like this photo. I just won’t tell him. *fades into the background sneakily*

Katherine, another little sister, got a haircut. This doesn’t relate to me, but I’m putting it on my blog anyway, because she is so adorable with it.

We got some rain the past few weeks. In July and August, in Texas. I was very excited. I love rain.

Katherine playing in the rain. 

So a few weeks ago, Katherine and Reagan got some of those letters that go on your wall, and they spelled their names with them and stuff to decorate. Anyway, afterwards I was walking through Peyton’s and Emelyn’s bedroom, and I noticed something on the wall by Peyton’s bed.

I am not kidding when I say Peyton did this. She is four. And apparently a little genius.
My mom and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

A while ago Adrienne and I went shopping with our mom, and we went to get toilet paper, and Adrienne noticed the tiniest little pack of it. We thought it was the funniest thing ever, compared to what our family gets.
We thought the difference was hilarious.

The rest of the time we pointed out the little packages of sugar and stuff and laughed at them.

And then I came to the realization that when I go to college and stuff I’m probably going to get the huge packages of things on accident, just out of habit.
I told this realization to my mom, and apparently my older sister did do this, with laundry detergent, during her past semester of college. 


And yes, yes we are carrying pillows. Since we repainted our room, we got some to match, and we carried them around the store.
We weren’t even embarrassed.
Maybe we should have been…

Well, now you, my five readers, know what had been going on in my life the past month. I hope you enjoyed.

Here is a parting message from Peyton.