The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Monday, February 3, 2014


So I had a lot of fun last night. I went over to someone's house from our church and there was a get together to watch the Super Bowl. I don't play football, I have no idea how to, and I won't lie and say that I was interested in it, but I had a lot of fun anyways. I hung out with one of my friends and had quite a lot of sugary stuff. I was hyper. I'm usually hyper.
Afterward we stopped by a store and I got Nerds. Oh happy day.

I changed up my blog a bit because I was feeling like it. Hehehe

I had a lot of stuff to do today. Uuuuugh, Monday. And most of it is due tomorrow. >_<  WHY DO I PROCRASTINATE? So I was really stressed, but I've managed to get most of the stuff out of the way, and my brother was kind enough to help me with science. Science and I... We just don't get along. 

Now to some happy stuff! I'm gonna request my friend from the OYAN forum as my flatmate for the Summer Workshop hopefully later today. I'm super excited to me rooming with her. We are gonna have so much fun.

I had quite a bit of fun doing the writing prompt thingy, even if I did have to make it short. But now I need to diagram sentences. Kill me now. I hate doing that.

Today was cold again, and it is really wonderful. I had a nice cup of cocoa, which I wanna do more often.

Now I should go do my numerous chores I've put off, though I'll probably put them off for longer. Ah well, I can imagine myself doing them. Maybe I'll get around to it.

Have a nice week dahlings.

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