The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chocolate and Weirdness

I had a great day today, despite the fact my whole face aches because of getting my braces tightened. I went to one of our acquaintances 50th wedding anniversary, and it was lovely. And there were little cheese cake thingies and they were great. And I got chocolate at the end so it was marvelous. :D

And to make it better one of the bands in my braces snapped so I got to take them out for half the day and my mouth didn't feel like it had a bunch of pressure on it. And I'd conveniently forgotten to bring extra bands in case one snapped. Oops. Haha not really, I'm glad I forgot.

Then after it was over I got a picture with my brother, and I was being weird. I'm usually weird.
(I had a nice picture of me and my brother right here but apparently he doesn't want his picture on my blog. Huh, some people just can't take fame. XD)

I love me some chocolate. (Raaadomness)

It was a good day. And I sang songs from Frozen loudly in the car and tried to hit all the notes. Great fun... For me. I think I was annoying my siblings by the fifth song. XD

We didn't get anymore snow, but that's okay. It's been pretty cold.

I think I get to open my presents tomorrow because my sister and dad are leaving and I want them to be able to be there when I open the presents. MWAHAHAH A DAY EARLY!

I'm excited for church tomorrow. Just because. :D
And I have a newer friend who I discovered likes Sherlock. :D

Have  a good evening minions!

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