The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hi Again

I'm baaaaaaack!

So our Internet has been down for the past two weeks. But I only had to go a week without it, because I went to spend a week with my friend. My extraordinarily awesome friend who happens to be an OYANer.  I had an amazing week.

Our WiFi should be back by now, but it's NOT! *sobs* We're having someone come by tomorrow to check it out.

I watched the newest Spiderman whilst at my friend's house, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

While I was there, we did a photo shoot thingy. She had a very Sherlock-y looking coat, and I had a death Frisbee. So I wore those and she got pictures of me falling off of things. I know, I'm terrible. But it was fun. And then I have this red cloak that one of my other friends made for me that I got some pictures taken in.
And by the way, never ask me to look serious and stare into the distance. I fail miserably. I kept smiling and cracking up when my friend was trying to get serious pictures. But she did get some great ones! She's a good photographer. If she sends me any I'll try to post them.

In other random news, one of my younger sisters is going gluten free because she gets terrible migraines, frequently, and we think it may be because of a gluten allergy.

I am at Starbucks right now, and it's really nice.  I love the atmosphere here.

I also finished the Hunger Games trilogy. *dies* I have that beautifully sad, empty feeling you get when a book or series is over. 
I got to watch the first movie, and I don't love it, but it was good.

Well, signing off now. Have a great night minions!


  1. This blog deserves a comment. :) Sounds like a busy couple of days you have there. shops are always the best places to go to blog. You made the right choice. -nods- :P I love those empty feelings after books like that. (And I hate them too) But that means I can go back and read the books again! :D Have a great night as well, great leader of minions -bows- :)

    1. P.s. By the way, Moriarty is creeping me out. XD

    2. :D Ohmygoodness I didn't see that anyone had commented!
      THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D :D :D :D

      Ah yes, those end-of-the-book feelings are so... Full of emptiness, I suppose.
