The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chicken and Brothers

I think this is my most bizarre post title...

We had a nice lesson in class today, and then afterwards we went out to eat. It was great. I sat by my brother and ate chicken and I was really clumsy. I think I almost spilled my drink... Twice. Don't judge me.
I got a picture with my lil' sister, Adrienne.

:D She's the brunette. I'm not... Oh wait that's obvious never mind ignore me.

My brother is going up to my sister's college for some thing that he's old enough to do, and he's leaving me to fend for myself, for three days. I'll have no one to talk about my fandoms with. And people will not laugh at my awful puns.
When he gets ready to go to college for real I'm gonna have to tie him to a chair and put him in the basement.
... Oh wait, we don't have a basement....

Another one of our chickens died. It's a mystery. This calls for a detective.  *cough* Juuuust kidding. It was probably a raccoon or a skunk.

I watched Rise of the Guardians yesterday. Let me just say: I LOVED IT!
And I got The Odd Life of Timothy Green and watched a bit of it. That movie is amazing and incredible, and the soundtrack is one of my all time favorites.

I got some new boots that look like pirate boots.

Anywhooo, enjoy your day dahlings.

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