The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hugs and Tea

So my mom and I went to pick up my brother today.  On the way there we sang really loudly with the radio. And I have a new favorite song. And then we yacked about stuff. My mom is the best.

Then we got my brother and I hugged him even though he didn't want me to right then because that is what little sisters do. Always.

He wanted to go to Chick-Fil-A but my mom decided to go to Olive Garden. It was great. I'm gonna go ahead and say I was hilarious.... And probably the most disruptive food eater they've ever had... Not on purpose, I promise. I just laugh a lot and come up with ingenious witty remarks. I can't help my amazingness. It comes naturally.

So anyway, I ate a lot of food. Food is good. Really good. And Olive Garden food is ever gooder than good. Ha, gooder is a word now because I typed it. Quick, someone put it in a dictionary.
It's not my fault their servings are so big. 

Then I got desert. IT WAS CHEESECAKE! Well, not actually, but it had some cheesecake in it, so I luffed it. And it had chocolate on it. 
And then I accidentally had two cups of raspberry tea and started on a third one... Don't look at me like that, it was good tea.
And now I'm terribly full but it was a good day.

And now excuse me as I mouth half the words to a song and pretend to know the rest. And use a spoon as my pretend microphone. Yes, I do that. Don't judge me.

Good day to you all minions.

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