The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happiness and Hobbit Talk

Oh wow, I'm on a roll. Third post in three days. *celebrates with self*

So I stayed up past midnight because I had to catch up on a book I'm reading with my English/Writing class at our co-op, and it wasn't fun. And apparently I didn't even have to read that much of it. Argh. I over-achieved on accident.

I actually had a good day at co-op, even though yesterday was crazy stressful with all the stuff I had to catch up on. I wore my TARDIS hat all day, and I was very happy about that. I luff my TARDIS hat.
Then I had free time because I didn't have a class then, so I talked for a long time with one of my friends about The Hobbit and it was great fun... But apparently that was "Study hall" and we were being too loud... Yeah, I suppose I'm a rather loud person when I get excited about The Hobbit.

Anyway, then we had Home Ec. and we got to make lotion and soap and I had a blast with the same friend and we decided that sometime in the near future we need to get together and make soap and cookies and stuff and then watch the Hobbit because we find stuff like that to be great fun. :)
And then when we got home my friend I met while I was doing the commercial thingy (oh yeah, I got to be in a commercial) sent me a letter. Like, and actual letter in the actual mail and I loved it because I love getting letters SO much. So all in all it was quite a lovely day.

And my birthday is next week so I'm excited for that. But apparently my mom and one of my sisters are leaving for somewhere.... On my birthday. Ugh. And I'll also be gone for most of the day. But there are still plenty of bright sides to it. :)

We had really lovely weather today. Heh, I think I'm overusing the word 'lovely'. Ah well. it's a lovely word. Heheheh.
I do hope we get more rain though. I love rain.

Aaaaand my oldest sister might be coming home form college this weekend to visit us, so that will be great.

Have a great day lil' minions.

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