The thoughts, dreams, and lifestyle of a homeschooled gal from a family of ten.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Chicken and Skating

I was woken up this morning by one of my little sisters telling me to get ready to go to the skating rink. We have a Homeschool Skating Day every third Friday, but I didn't want to go because I wanted to sleep. And I don't really have a lot of fun going. Buuuut my mom told me two of my friends would be going so I got excited and went.
And then my friends did not show up.
One of the girls from my soccer team from two years ago was there. It was really cool because she didn't used to be homeschooled, and we were good friends. But after I quit soccer I never got to see her anymore. So, believe it or not, we kinda just skated around together and picked up where we left off two years ago. No kidding. It wasn't even awkward. We just talked a lot, and we have a lot in common. It was the most fun I've had this week.
Then our families went to Chick-fil-a together and we talked more and I made fun of my chicken nugget.
I'm really glad I met her again. :D

And here is a picture of my adorable youngest sister standing on my feet so I would skate around with her. 

I decided to pick up my guitar and start to teach myself and watch videos on how to play and learn everything and all that good jazz. Only I found out that I should really tune my guitar first. She doesn't sound pretty when I play her. >.< So I'm going to attempt to get her tuned, and then start teaching myself. I'm excited.

My grandmother came over yesterday so we didn't have to do school. Ahhh, the life of a homeschooler. :D And then I accidently drank her Dr Pepper because I thought it was my mom's but I didn't tell anyone...
I am so awkward.

I figured out I start cleaning my room when I'm upset. At least, I did yesterday. I was was upset and I started emotionally picking up clothes of the floor. It was touching. XD

I think I may have a sleepover with one of my good friends this week, so I'm excited. Sleepovers are fun. Especially with this friend. We tend to stay up 'til four in the morning and then make sandwiches really late at night.

Have a good day minions. :D

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